Monday, 25 January 2016

Homegrown Terrorists - Crystal Clark on FreemanTV - Jan 23, 2016

On The Free Zone – Crystal Clark with Freeman – Homegrown Terrorists

First hour (second hour for subscribers only)

We are the last generation that could escape a digital footprint. Most of us haven’t. What is the database for? Will you become a non-violent anarchistic homegrown terrorist? “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore” is the meme of this generation. Why would anyone want to make the planet so miserable that children don’t want to live? – Freeman

In the first hour we discuss the machinations of the unfolding surveillance police state of globalist empire and what it portends.

In the second hour (for subscribers only) we discuss the EMV’s, Norman Bergrun, the Ringmakers of Saturn, James Horak, SETI’s protocol to classify other planets in our own solar system, and the benefits and necessity of becoming part of an extended (space) community not only as a matter of evolution, but as a necessary means of survival in a post-Fukushima world.

This show (pre-recorded on 1/21/2015) airs on FreemanTV and is available via podcast and Youtube.

Crystal Clark's website:

Friday, 1 January 2016

The Corrupt VA Hospital System | Dec 2015

Dear Friends,

I am writing this on behalf of James C. Horak who has been, since October, recuperating in the VA hospital Dallas (North Texas Health Care).

The following recording was made by Shuny and myself in two conversations as we called James to see how things are with him, each of us have been calling him as much as we can afford, as we are calling long distance.

Please be aware that in this conversation James is being very clear about his treatment and does not hold back in any way regarding his experiences with some of the staff as well as with the workings of the hospital itself and the VA system. As you will hear, a great deal is extremely wrong.

He describes how these events are affecting him, as well as his fellow patients who have supported him.

I would personally witness that much of what he is telling us is very neglectful and extremely abusive. Not just of James, as he has pointed out, he has witnessed some extreme neglect. For example he describes how his 90 year old room mate, a WW2 Veteran who is blind, has been treated, which I found particularly disturbing.

We wanted to release this as a way of drawing attention to his situation and to support him fully and with integrity in his cause to bring all of this to light.
As he points out some staff are wonderful and good at their job. But as Shuny clarifies they carry the burden of those who show no compassion and are questionable in their capabilities of true care. As you can appreciate there are times when James uses strong language.

I would like to add that we all stay in as close contact with James as we can. We love him and we miss him greatly and we are all deeply concerned for his well being, however we are also all warriors for truth and will not in any way stand by and do nothing with the knowledge he shares with us.

If there is anyone who is in the vicinity of the hospital who would like to visit with James, please contact us on the blog here or on Facebook and we can discuss this.

Thank you for your continued support and concern, with best wishes and love for 2016.


See also Mhairead's and Crystal's websites:

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