Wednesday 24 September 2014

Use of Force | James Horak, Gabriel Sabatini and Bryan with Mark Snider | 21-Sep-2014

from Gabriel Sabatini on Vimeo.

Topics: Police brutality, the developing police state, false flag operations, gun control, Sandy Hook, Ferguson riots, Diebold & elections, social engineering, the banking system, transhumanism, cremation of care, chemtrails...

Ideology doesn’t make a Revolutionary, the Police make a Revolutionary - Pjotr Kropotkin

Courtesy for publication permission: Mark Snider, Ohio Exopolitics

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Dave McGowan with Mark Snider and Mhairead MacDonald | 13-Sep-2014

Interview with extraordinary researcher and writer Dave McGowan and his latest book ‘Weird Scenes inside the Canyon’ about the dark side of the Hippie dream and more.

I was delighted to be able to co-host this show with Mark Snider of blog talk Exopolitics Ohio. We interviewed Dave McGowan and this gives me an opportunity to introduce his work to you.

Dave McGowan is a first class and meticulous researcher, as well as a highly skilful writer delving into the labyrinthine world of lies and deception, false flags, and mind control that are infecting our reality at an ever increasing rate.

I strongly recommend after listening to this that you visit his web site to get a feel for how he writes and how deep his research goes, he has been working in this field for fifteen years. He is crisp and clear in his writing, with a great sense of humor which is appreciated, as some of this is not easy subject material.

I highly recommend (as does James Horak) to read 'Wagging the Moon Doggie'.

In the interview we talked about his book, 'Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon', (which I am currently reading) its sub title 'Laurel Canyon Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream', should give you a clue. I hope you find this useful and feel free to comment and question below.

Many thanks


Laurel Canyon Rhapsody

An acid sunrise over Santa Monica hills
Charlie Manson's killing thrills
Stolen dreams of something torn down
the end of Black Angel's haunting sound

Where nothing makes sense or rhyme
when death and murder seem all the time
Where nothing seemed what it was intended
undermining hopes for peace portended

Black lineage of the dreamy ones applied
taken with drugs, sex and suicide
A war no one knew was right from the start
hammered into brain and through the heart

Copyright © September 2014 James C. Horak

Additional Notes:

Discover more of James' poetry on The Poetry Link

Dave on Facebook
his website
where to buy his books

Courtesy for publication permission: Mark Snider, Ohio Exopolitics

Mhairead MacDonald’s website: Selkiedreams

Tuesday 9 September 2014

James Horak, Crystal Clark & Mhairead MacDonald on Hundredth Monkey Radio with Tom & Ramon | 06 Sep 2014

Join Tom and Ramon every Saturday @ 5pm EST

Some of the topics discussed:

Fukushima, China Syndrome, Yellowstone, Dying Pacific & West Coast, Amazon, Cities in the Sea, WW3, God Particle, Spirituality & Moral Outrage, Kennedy's Speeches, Free Choice, Hunger, Depopulation, Chemtrails, Suiciding, Vinnie Eastwood, Psychotronics, Wizard of Oz, Gradualism, Gaza, Hamas, ISIS, Tora & Talmud, Conversion to Judaism for Banking, USS Liberty, EMVs & ETs stabilising Operations, St. Monica UFO base, new Comet Pitbull, CME knock out of MILSATs, Hale Bopp, the Lucifer Telescope...

The Original show is hosted here

Courtesy for publication permission: Tom Kappenman - Hundredth Monkey Radio

Crystal Clark's website: Drowning in Absurdity

Mhairead MacDonald’s website: Selkiedreams

Audio editing & title-artwork: Shuny aka OmetaOne

Tuesday 2 September 2014

James Horak & Friends with Mark Snider on Ohio Exopolitics | 30-Aug-2014

Three conversations, all recorded on August 30. 2014, fused together in one show. The asynchronous audio of the first show has been corrected.

The Original recordings are hosted here.

Courtesy for publication permission: Mark Snider, Ohio Exopolitics

Website of Crystal Clark: Drowning in Absurdity

Mhairead MacDonald’s website: Selkie Dreams

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