Wednesday 13 October 2010

Message to the North American Indian Peoples and those of Meso-America

It is my honour to be the bearer of this long awaited message at this time. I ask you, my friends to see that this message is shared quickly, far and wide. To help get it to the peoples who will know what is meant by these words. If you spread it please make sure the image is also contained with the message. Thank-you. Victoria Baron-Copley

Message to the North American Indian Peoples and those of Meso-America

In my Cantos, I have spoken of times I have come among you. Perhaps you retain today the exact signs of my return which I gave you when I last left. But if you do not, still I pray my words will have the knowing we have always shared between us.

Those that have kept you in captivity know little of the wonder you possessed and which you hid to keep it safe. That I had a part in this is my joy in remembrance.

Though always you returned to old ways, still I knew in your hearts you kept mine.

In interpreting the meaning of the Great Serpent Mound, I had hoped to share with your captors considerations that went beyond mindset. That might allow them to see you like they were in so many ways they now despise.

When I predicted the serpent in the sun and it so recently appeared I hoped you were paying

Now I tell you to watch the sky directly above tomorrow morning at 1:00 A.M. And to follow its progress as it moves south.

Now I will share knowing.

I went among a clan of the Navajo Nation. My wife and I had brought donations from our friends. Navajo women went through them like locusts and then began to sell Mexican trinkets to her for Navajo-made.

Meanwhile the young Navajo men of the clan and the children walked together among the sparcity of desert and they told me of their women's fraud while I assured them it did not matter. In the process I shared the knowing and they began to divulge what no one of your people will tell any of their captors. Part of it was what was kept for me beneath the lodge of the Hopi elders.

Then, in the days that followed, I saw an auntie take away the hogan of a young couple with new baby and I spoke with representatives of the elders about digging water wells you so badly need.

The result spoke some of the harm this captivity has brought.

Take what you have saved so faithfully for me. Build libraries, found your own schools, and dig
wells and build anything to improve your circumstance.

In so doing free yourself from this captivity, more self-imposed than not.

Do not let what is coming see you end this way.


October, 13, 2010

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Folate and the Human Equation

I have discussed the mineral EMVs bring from it's placement in rings around planets such as Saturn. I have discussed the detrimental effects on consciousness of electricity generated in cycles at 60 cps. Now I will discuss the connection that exists of the way these two factors are opportunized by tptb to enhance their rule over the populace of this earth.

The closest most can acquire any form of folate for the diet is in the form of folic acid. That is, without access to this “mineral”. Or eating raw liver, a rather untenable option. If, however, you look at folic acid's availability in health food stores, you find that it is sold, not in milligram amounts but micrograms. By a law imposed by the FDA. This is intentionally inadequate and should be in the same amounts/percentages as ANY of the B group you might take to have a balance and not create an even higher deficiency of this B group factor of prime importance. As early as the late sixties, the grand dame of nutrition, the inimitable Adelle Davis, had written this same finding in her book 'Let's Get Well'.

In the last few years, pediatricians have broken with the AMA and FDA to recommend to expectant mothers what was formerly claimed as “toxic” doses of folic acid in order to lessen the growing trend in birth defects. At least those that didn't take their information solely from pharmaceutical companies.

Why is this so important to any equation affecting the health and welfare of earth-based humanity? It is because this created disparity in the availability of folic acid to the diet as the central cause of most disease and lessened brain function.

Let me close with this one observation that answers an important question relating to the investigation of UFO “nests”. That is, those UFO nests not left by EBE craft. Remember the impetus in the seventies to take soil samples? When the findings have been shared beyond those made by military/government incursion, folate was found as the single most in-common effect produced by the presence of the UFO involved.

Is ET trying to tell you something?


Monday 4 October 2010

Poisoned Insertions by James Horak Oct 4th 2010

Had the early doubters and debunkers of The Report From Iron Mountain faced the retrospect people have today for its revelations, their success at discrediting this report meant for JFK, would have been glowingly untenable. Indeed, when President Reagan spoke of how an alien threat might serve to unite the nations of the world, those attempts to revive its importance in view of that retrospect were short- lived only because tptb were able to find and finance some hack to come forward and claim its authorship as his own some forty years after the fact. And to produce an edited version to market while using someone else's backing to go after those who endeavoured to offer a legitimate one. The kind of people that won't get such backing to fight an non-meritorious infringement of a copyright claim, no matter how dubious. Especially applied for forty years late.

It too, promotes the idea of using a contrived hostile ET threat, as it puts it, as a substitute for war. The New World Order was not named as such, but the idea of maintaining a power structure intact without the use of war to design such a structure, is exactly the mechanism required to globally install the same thing on a larger scale. To get an entire world populace to “bite another bullet”, the ultimate one, giving up any last vestige of personal freedoms and privacy to be “safe” from ravages to be depicted at the hands of an hostile with star travel technology and thus the ability to wipe us all out in a breath. So we create the myth of deal making and we insert that absurdity into the public suggestible mind.

Here, however, it is highly important to discern between what is paraded as ET, EBEs and actual sentient beings who have obviously survived their own technology to travel here. War with them is an idiot's proposition OR that of an elite so out of touch with the rest of us, they presume we will buy the rest of their social engineering apparatus right up to the part where they say...”oh, yes we were lying all those years, ruining lives, even killing, to protect you from the truth. Now give us absolute power over you and we will put into effect a special technology that will keep ET at bay. Those that buy this, absolutely have nothing to lose they haven't already lost.

JCH 4th Oct 2010

Sunday 3 October 2010

Wise words from conversations with James Horak

Feb 2010

It is indeed not the time to seclude ourselves from each other with defeated ideas of personal privacy. Share whatever you like and know that's an advised intention of almost everyone that has something significant to say about the matters impending upon our common fate, whether for good or for bad.

In unified consciousness are exactly found what every human here has the genetic connection. Your deep ancestory had unified consciousness. Circumstances that changed that were an unfortunate series of events meant to correct immediate miscalculations and that simply ended in casuing worse problems than the short term "fixes" could anticipate.

In the meantime, certain parties among you were mounting opportunistic devices by which to take advantage. That has never stopped, but been refined into the most brutal forms of pathological narcissim you can imagine. 

Now it verges on absolute self-destruction by tampering with the integrity of people's souls.

( name removed), if you wrote this, little is wrong with your mind...nor, would I venture, your order of goals in life, regard for others, and spirit of discovery. Below are two articles I wrote for UFO Digest.

Now I'm not promoting the idea of trepanning to you, in fact, I advise against it. That is in no way the point I'm making. What I am expressing is an entirely different consideration; far removed from an approach I believe will do you little good...will definitely not accomplish what you seem to think it might. The first article will show how actual brain mass might play little part in thought...might even hinder certain advances under certain conditions. The second takes a "field theory of mind" further, even into dangerous areas.

If you can come to understand well these articles and promote what you see from them you desire, by building a model of this anticipation, one might project through the power of expectation, what your MIND, not brain, needs to compensate for any damage. And the results, as with this UN officer can be astounding. You don't need to return to any actual operation on your head. You just need to redirect limiting expectation to powerful expectation. That's what the shaman performing these trepanning does. Instead of preparing his patients to expect less, he prepares them to expect more. Sometimes with astounding results.

A star gate is merely a way of transport, nothing more. One matches the gravity wave unique to the planet you wish to visit and you're there. One just has to have a different kind of physics to know what gravity wave is to the equation.

Always know, I will help you anyway I can.


Feb 2010

I was born October 14, 1943, a few months after my mother had left my father and gone to stay with her father in Las Vegas, New Mexico. Before the attempted abduction my mother was very good to me. Afterwards, there was always something between us. I believe she feared me right up until her death. She would never talk about what happened on that trip to Texas and would only reply, when I tried to broach it, "we had an auto accident". An aunt claimed she was with us, but I know she wasn't.

The controllers think they manage such things, but they do not know the power of lucid recall nor could imagine anyone could remove their own chip. The hypnotherapists that work with abductees are invariably compromised and submit to doing only follow-up for black ops who usually stage the abductions.

I will always believe the hit and run that happened to me just after I started school was intended but that the lady that hit me was not under her own influence. When you knock someone 20 feet with a car, especially a six year old it should kill them, but I survived. Guess "they" felt the little procedure in the movie theatre a few months earlier, "didn't take".

No, EBEs were not involved in the incidents taking place that led to the arrival of humans from outside on mars, the many experiments to establish themselves there that failed so miserably and the help from "others" to make the earth habitable. The EBEs come into it later as they flee from being purged by ET.

I know none of those feelings and experiences you describe. Mine, when I allow it, is the baleful longing for me to return to the sun and then enter back again to the EMVs. Before I came to realize this, it was just the feeling of being different and failing to hold bonds with others. Having no one to share what I was experiencing.

Even as late as 1972, in Ohio, when I kept an almost nightly approach to a UFO that ran the same course throughout an entire winter in front, almost of all the locals (who would not discuss it) I had little overview into all the events that had happened to me in the past...even though I could vividly recall them. Only after the experience in Utah could I enter into the deeper past and my place in it. That was when the longing began.

I will give you a key that will open a new door towards explaining what no order of chronology can and that, when I say the EMVs can compress time, will yield meaning to you:


I've told others here of this and none, so far, have acquired the full range of ramification this entails.


FEB 2010
Torz, I had moved against this planet's people a scarce age ago. One center of that world had decided it alone should rule and wished to act as these before you do now. Their device was to destabilize the earth everywhere but where their center was. They would do this by effecting a grid put in place by Drooge to capture the moon and use it to shield earth and vicinity from asteroids, highly prevalent at the time. Wonderful engines placed just above the earth's mantle acting as pressure valves by the principle of a needle were placed in a grid of 144. Most remain there today but some have been pushed up by uplift. One in the Tatra Range in Eastern Europe was discovered and moved by Soviet armies.

I managed time to have it discovered by my great uncle, Antonin Horak, who wrote an article that you may still be able to find online under, Moonshaft. How I could do it barely having been born at that time relates to what I told you of time before.

I had hoped the device's technology be discovered and used wisely to protect the earth from coming threats, but that was not the case. No, the idiots placed it with another and that lead to a very bad condition whose effects are increasing today. The same kind of play-out that had occurred on Mars just before the Exodus.

Because everything found of intense interest by this mindset of leaders here today is of intense interest ONLY when it can be weaponized.

Doubly amazing when one realizes that since 1968, when the United States shared with the Soviet Union knowledge of an ultimate weapon, all this madness might have ended.

Instead they formed and tightened an elitist bond and conspiracy to divide the world up into two camps where each would dictate to their given half. But then the double cross and the orchestrated fall of the USSR with the complicity of the Chinese who were still aching over being left out of the equation, furthered by the US giving China favored nation in trade and abandoning promises to do this for the Soviet Union if they collapsed their own regime.

The only use today, to any thinking perspective, is the entire use of expanding weapons technology is devised to protect the status quo from its masses, mind control being the the present weapon of choice at the this time.

I want you to see the stark reality that must be fully understood to wisely apply the esoteric. In fact, the fashion to promote people deferring to this "cart before the horse" is part of weaponizing mind control. The next step in this process is to represent so many anomalies in front of the eyes of the masses that their lack of resolution leads to systemic incredulity, the inability to believe in anything. At that point, these leaders believe they will have no resistance to anything they do. Elements of that are already apparent.
You've opened up many questions. In indirect ways here, I've attempted to address most.

Though I have not done so in obvious ways, the model I've suggested by my prior statement on time, works well with understanding, especially when time has been so tampered with, that questions coming in the normal course of discussion cannot suffice adequate grasp like cause and effect ceases purity when chronology cannot be true.

The other matters you broach outside these considerations I've made will find better times to be answered as we continue.

If you don't mind, I will share this reply with others as I did my reply to you once before when and if the opportunity arises. In scrutible ways you are helping me with this arduous process of what I've never this fully disclosed to anyone.
And a dear touchstone you are.


FEB 2010

If you want to know more about the Drooge, elements in the movie, Forbidden Planet, are taken from what was discovered about them on mars. Only they did not extinct, they became of the substance of spiritual technology and simply left "self-implementing" machines running, to run, until their wards, earth-bound humans, could take care of themselves. Now, are you approaching better, "cosmic clarity". NOTHING is left to chance. Only outcome of an experiment for worthiness. Individuals have done well but the system is rotten and beginning to cave in from within.
It has taken up elitism to the point of psychotic narcissism, like it is content to end everything by duelling with the Order of the Universe. Many of the mind warped, like serial killers and suicide bombers, are the collateral damage of technology out of control. Had I not been here, that would not have been apprehended by those that would otherwise have "closed the book" on earth-bound humanity.

FEB 2010

I asked James about the Norway Spiral and what his thought on it’ were..?

The Norway spiral is a sign and a demonstration that told those behind the Second Technology they had little hope of success in a certain venture being undertaken."

What is second Technology James?

"The second technology is the hidden technology. The practice of retaining inventions for a privileged few to use started long ago and has reach vast proportions here.

Has been refined by industrialists and cartels in the last 150 years to control technology and to suppress anything that might challenge them and their status quo. Edison was a big help in accomplishing that. That was what was behind his feud with Tesla.

Of course that's all touted as a personality clash...even by biographers that don't know better."


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