Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Firesite Chat | James Horak with Mhairead and Shuny | Sept.2017

This is an impromptu, spontaneous and very informal conversation between myself, James Horak and Shuny.

Please bear that in mind as you listen it is not an 'interview' but more typical of the talks we have with James from time to time over the years in our connection and friendship and in recent months they have been (sadly for me) infrequent.

This is partly due to my traveling a great distance away and gypsy lifestyle that has incurred, as well as time differences and James still being in recovery from his hospital stint and treatment there.

Shuny has stepped up to the plate admirably and was able to record this for us. I always feel those who know James’s work and the vast amount of information he has put out over the years are always looking to hear from him. With things being the way they are, assurances and affirmations are needed. As well as prompts and inspired activation.

We hope that this might be the first of a few talks, perhaps some questions from our audience and readers here would lead to another one? - Mhairead

James gave us also information about the recent 9,3 X-Class CME as it had some of us worried about its impact on Earth. Furthermore, there is also new information from James about the EBEs aka Greys. All this you won't get to hear anywhere else!

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