Thursday, 4 December 2014

Mark Snider, James Horak & Crystal Clark - PARASITES - 29 Nov 2014


James Horak & Crystal Clark discuss the true nature of ebola as a parasitic worm, the elite’s deluded view of the lesser classes as parasitic humans, and dive deeper into the nefarious mechanisms, mind-viruses, disinformation, and knowledge-hoarding practices of globalist fanatics bent on denying mankind access to the beauty, wisdom and power of intelligent design---on both microcosmic and macrocosmic scales---even to the point of driving our civilization to full ruin in the process.

Crystal Clark’s website:

Courtesy for publication permission - Mark Snider, Ohio Exopolitics

Image related to comments section discussing image artifacts in NASA images


  1. Hello all! Where has everyone gone? I have some questions for James about recent events going on with the sun.

    1. Good to be back, Cindow, I'e been months laid up in hospital due to injury but am presently at home. Fire away with your questions and I'll try to do them justice. JCH

    2. Hi James, I really missed you! Can you make a few comments about the origins of languages of this lineage? Is, for example, Tamil, the first? Any general hints and clues is much appreciated. Can you also comment on the origins of kefir? I am fsmiliar with ghe Caucasus, etc...but, something further back? The microflora in kefir seem fundamental somehow.

    3. I appreciate your fascination with language, Anon, a whole field of anthropology is devoted to it. Traces of the sixth lineage expectedly occur in this one and give clue to how languages can "percolate" among populations. For there have been, at least in prior lineages, survivors of extinctions. Perhaps that is the reason. That the Dravidians may have held on to some prior usage, even after an ice age (usual between extinctions) is remarkable but not remote as a possibility. The natural sounding, determined by the mouth, does too have its effect. Then again just how much of genetic memory the split consciousness retains in early childhood might contribute. The problem is that lingual anthropologists don't consider these factors in their work, being strapped to the incredulity of the rest of "science" on this planet. Good questions. JCH

    4. Wonderful to have you back, James. I have enjoyed our discussions over the years and in your abscence realized how much. Can you also comment on milk kefir? The origin of the grain, like language, is quite mysterious. Is there some fundamental natural design principle expressed through the many, useful yeast, lactic acid bacteria combinations we have yet to understand?

    5. James!! There you are! In the hospital? I try to avoid that place as that's where they nearly killed me twice!!! LOL
      Glad you are back and continue on healing!
      It's interesting how fast we can go through different levels of cognitive dissonance when we uncover truths and winnow them out from all the lies we've been fed.
      I've come to, what seemingly is the inevitable truth, and that this is not a planet, this is a holographic prison that is flat with a dome where the other planets and stars are placed, that Saturn is all around us, all the cubes everywhere in most ever corporate logo. When we graduate we put the square on our heads; "squaring the circle," it's everywhere !
      Please, if you would be so kind, would you speak what you know about the true nature of the ostensible prison we are trapped in??
      Thank you and so glad to see you back, or if not see, read your words...
      Thank you!!

    6. In any supposed configurations no matter how real to what dimension or time line possibility is explored. This earth in this time line is a case in point. A lesson learned either here or elsewhere but not at the expense of immortal souls. For no one of consequence is about punishment or retribution. Earth in this timeline is in a form of quarantine...or what is, I suppose, meant by the word, matrix. For some just another device for escaping personal accountability, but none-the-less, with another plane of meaning. JCH

    7. James, here is the link to what my above query and comments are referencing .

      Thanks again!

    8. Thank you James for the time and energy of your reply.
      I am talking about the deliberate imprisonment of souls that are kept in a cyclic reincarnation, for the express purpose of harvesting our energy and for beasts of burden.
      Even at death, souls are made to think they have a choice to return to this 3D holographic world, or to be free and travel the universe. That ostensibly is not the case.
      Like a moth to the flame, a soul after death is drawn toward the bright white light of the moon matrix, and if the spirit does not go to that light, then it is stuck on the Earth grid to endlessly wander about. The above link I gave is a concise video that speaks to my point.
      Please do me the honor of looking at it and then share what you know of it . Thank you !! Also are you familiar with the Universal Map Editor? AKA "Ed" ???

  2. That's right Cindow, it has been quite here but we are glad you are picking up the thread again. James has been out of the loop for some time but is back now, so its a perfect time to pose your questions.

    1. Thank you for your reply, it is greatly appreciated!

  3. Hello James, I have some questions about what has been going on with the sun and the large cubes that are being seen. I have been reading all I can on the subject, Saturn worship, Kabba (Ka' bah) and this "CHC" (Cosmic Harmonic Convergence). They talk of the Law of Time, that acts as a multidimensional lensing tool that helps them dig the "time tunnels between Earth and Uranus. Have you heard of any of this? Also wanted to know what you think about the flat earth theories that are garnering a lot of attention as of late. There is an Ex-NASA artist that is saying that he faked all of the pics of the moons around the planets. Here is a link to a shortened version of what he is saying through his comedy routine.

    Thank you in advance for your time and attention!

    P.S. I don't want to overload you with questions, so I will save those for another time....

  4. Cindow, I’ll answer that question about the squares that you call cubes because I am the one here observing those and also more into image analysis. The squares are just patches and not real objects. What is hidden by those patches? Very likely what James has talked about in various interviews, maybe something like those three craft shown in the ‘Solar Anvil’ video or other objects too obviously artificial.

  5. Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to reply! Is that your feeling on this or is it also the general consensus? If they wanted to cover something up or patch it, why not do what they normally do; delete frames or black it out completely?? What does James have to say about the STEREO ahead EUVI 304
    2015-01-20 22:27:59 image?? With all of the Saturnian cube worship and occult symbolism that is all around us, something tells me that these cubes around the sun are not patches... But that's just MHP. Thank you!! Hope to hear from James too!

  6. Cindow, its difficult to talk about stories that only you have heard of or images only you have looked at but I went to get that particular image which wasn’t available on Helioviewer btw. because what you said has happened there: no images after 2014/08/18 for EUVI 304. But I found it on nasa but in quality worse than I have ever seen before. Now I know what you mean by cubes. I call them squares because they are not three dimensional. What NASA does to images is compress them several times over, especially the suns corona so the compression artefacts - the squares that every jpeg-image is built of, become much more prominent. These amplified compression artefacts are nothing factual, it is just image trickery to blur anything looking anomalous. If you look at the upper left corner of that image you see an EMV that the algorithm did not catch (at least not that badly). Some slip through every once in a while but you need to be able to recognize what is real and what is the result of image processing.

    Also Cindow, be aware that what “They” talk about in media, “alternative” or mainstream, is almost all distraction, which you can find out when you listen to James where he emphasises that constantly.

    We are at the verge of extinction and they feed us entertainment, rumours and fancy new age myths - don’t fall for it and put your thinking cap on. So there are no time tunnels between Earth and Uranus and the flat sun theory to me seems to be contradicted by a few hundred years of astronomy and our recently acquired ability to send probes into space.

  7. Thank you for your reply. I agree with what you are saying and I'm taking my ego out of the equation here and not allowing it to take umbrage to the think caps on comment:)) we know NASA lies and it's sad that regular folk only have access to what their cameras show us. Having said that will you please ask James or give him this message if he's not able to answer please?? What is going on with Jupiter?? Is this part of the EMVs or is this something/someone else?? Thanks so much!!

    1. I mean what is happening to Jupiter are they trying to ignite and make a sun? Also does james know who The ONE is?? Not talking about Neo or the Mateix ;) thanks again and luv & peace!!

  8. Cindow, is there anything you can point to that something is going on with Jupiter? Any images, reports, rumours? I haven’t heard anything as of late. Again, I can only emphazise to listen to James interviews, he has talked several times about Arthur C. Clarke’s vision he saw for Jupiter and James several times has explained that if we fail here our planet is going to be a sun for Jupiter, not vice versa. Shoemaker /Levy was adding mass to it. So Jupiter is not destined to become a sun but is terraformed like most other bodes in the solar system.

  9. Thank you again for your reply. Yes, I am aware of all that you have mentioned, and I apologize for not adding the image link to the Jupiter image. Here is one of them...

    Is James no longer answering questions? There are many questions that are newer events that are not answered by his past postings or interviews. I wanted to know if he is familiar with the term Universal Map Editor? That there is an alternate name for EMV's that are called Vahs?? That Ison is being piloted by a human and is using his ship to take down the Firewall that is our sun, which sits in front of the black sun?? You know, simple stuff like that? lol ;))) levity here:)

    Thanks again, and hope all is well with James and you all.

  10. Hellooooo out there!!! Have we all gone off planet?? There is some mighty interesting things going on with the sun...earthship ready to go through the eye yet?

  11. Howdy ya'll! Buzz here....good to be back. Just kicking back enjoying our first chemtrail free day in weeks. We have truly been under the guns down here in not-so-sunny FL.

    1. Howdy Buzz:-) glad to hear that you are seeing actual FL skies! It's been beautiful and unseasoningly warm in the western part of US. It's been very silent and lonely here, and since I'm not in the proverbial loop, as it were, I have no idea if we are left to our own stumbling About in this Abyss. I've not been able to make it past the gatekeeper ;) lol Be well friend!!

    2. Hi Cindow sometimes it is useful and enlightening to peruse the blog thoroughly and perhaps listen to some of the interviews , take notes and digest the depth of what is being shared here .

  12. Thank you so very much for taking the time and energy to post your comment Mhairead! Yes, I agree there is so much to plumb the depths and I have swam my way through an ocean of information, only to find that it was just a thimbleful out of a vast sea!
    My queries are now more about uncovering the ostensible reality of the occult world that we are all awash in.
    Yes, there is a psychopathic cabal that is the root of the evil that has/is poisoning our Earth. I continue to do my best in awakening my brothers and sisters to the reality that these very same warmongers are trying to keep us from learning about.
    So, my importuning James with questions about the holographic nature of this reality and the A.I. Net (12 ethers of ancient Greeks) that keeps us prisoners, even after death. The Saturn/moon traps the soul and keeps it on a perpetual cycle of reincarnation.
    Who has the truth really ?? I've listened to James and others that speak of things that resonate, but then there are more things uncovered about the server we have all been placed in, but now the Ma net is starting to come down and more and more are seeing an increasing amount of anomalies in the firmament and with the sun.
    Have we been lied to about everything ? The nature of space? That we get our energy from the sun (Lilith's firewall ) only to feed the black hole sun.
    What does James, and or anyone that has anything to share about the video "The Lie NASA Told" by Yellow Rose For Texas.
    Please, I entreat you to give me your thoughts and impressions in as a non-biased way as possible, and I say this because it took me several times of watching it before my left brain would shut down long enough to simply allow the information to be viewed without the ego stepping in and wanting to prove what I used to think the truth was.
    Thank you in advance for your time.
    I would be so very grateful for your reply(ies).
    Very sincerely,

    1. Cindow, the true journey doesn't begin by announcing what isn't before we grasp what is, but that is exactly what earth bound science does. To see the design I point to is no more than common sense because what you see has bearing on causal reality and no scientist save one, Norman Bergrun, points to the wonders of the EMVs that everyone else can observe. That as early as 2000, an amateur astronomy group, The Millenium Group, could see them interact with solar flares is on record. But yet no one from the scientific community would respond. It has, however, been established that CMEs should strike the earth on a geophysical schedule, but they don't since one would decimate the area of the earth it hit broadside and that hasn't happened.
      When astronomers cannot account for even why planets, moons and suns are round, confidence in them should be questioned. We even have the Flat Earth Society persist since these questions are hardly addressed. Invariably they would attest to design if they did and that's approaching a cosmology that would bring a designer/god back into the picture. So to conform to this cult of blinded so called pragmatism anomaly is avoided at all costs...and not just in astronomy. This is the best explanation I can give to your dilemma. JCH

  13. I thank you James, for taking the time to do your best because I can not ask for more.;)

    Would you indulge one more query please? You have spoken to the partial manifestation that we are experiencing, and I'm wondering if you have sensed or felt that there has been a shift in mass consciousness for the better, or do you still see that things are continuing to deteriorate into complete destruction of the planets Eco system vis a vis Fukushima and all the other egregious acts of TPTW ??
    Thank you again for your time and consideration!!
    Be well James,

  14. It doesn't look good, Cindow. Already signs of upheaval are showing with new islands coming tnto being. Increased vulcanization from Fukushima;s cores hitting the mantle. Many effects exist that are not discussed. At this point only ET intervention can save the planet and that will require massive changes to acquire. JCH

    1. Thank you again, much obliged James! Is this just for our timeline, or will this also affect the fully manifested Earth as well? I keep thinking of A. C. Clarke's 2001 A Space Odyssey, and the 2010 story. If we are out of phase with the fully manifested Earth and we were made into a sun similar to the Jovian sun in the aforementioned story, would it affect the other Earth as well?

      Also, if you would be so kind to check out the validity of the what this woman is saying about be the cause of the cyclical time loop that started at the time of Atlantis and is now being attempted to flip back to the original Earth time line which is linear.
      Thank you James...
      Did I understand correctly that it is not just Earth that is heating up, but all of the planets are showing signs of increased warming??

    2. P.S. James, how does one learn to "read the light?"

    3. When people speak of Atlantis, they overlook it's actually mu. It's a kind of giveaway.
      No, the time-lined earth is held to its own influences alone, for better or for worse.
      Do you mean aura or blue flame? JCH

    4. Thank you James!
      I'm speaking of the Suns light, you had mentioned that if we could read the light from stars or our sun we could learn a lot!
      I have been listening to people discuss the activity of the EMVs, which they are calling them by another name, but I tried to share a link just now but it isn't allowing me for some reason.
      Is it even possible that EMVs can be destroyed or melted by weapons? Also there are long white lines being seen in same pics of the sun and EMVs , which are being called poles, as in the planets have been on poles and when leaving the pole can fly independently. They speak of there being two gates in our sun that of man and that of God?? Papal keys are being mentioned and wow it's incredible the things that are believed to be going on.
      You've heard of the author Jum Marrs yes? In one of his videos where he is speaking about remote viewing, he stated that two different remote viewers on different occasions, said they had seen a planet where there were beings worshipping "The One" and had drawn almost exactly the same images that these two RVs had seen.
      Have you heard anything like this? Not the Remote viewing but of "The One??
      Thanks so much for the time and energy you take to answer my queries! Much appreciated!

    5. The above name should read Jim Marrs not Jum;-) lol


    6. James, this is the link to the image of the white poles that I referred to in my previous comment. Thanks again!

  15. Those that exploit the alternative media for money or for fundamentalist belief (and Jim Marrs does both) are gatekeepers. None will address my work or that of Dr. Norman Bergun. The elite would posit there in nothing they cannot deal with but that is far from true The evidence is all about you this is true. The EMVs are not only indestructible, they cannot even be approached. JCH

  16. James Thank you!! I love that!!! So what are those long white lines that are showing up on Lasco?? People are calling them poles but I don't think so...

  17. I wouldn't trust any corporation that makes water cannons for crowd control.

    1. Thank you for the link James!
      I keep trying to show an alternative point of view regarding the EMVs, but fear I am in a minority among people who call these ships Vahs and believe them to be enemy ships fighting to keep mankind here in the Abyss. We have been lied to, as you are well aware, and are here to work as slaves for Set or Saturn, origin of cube worship. Everywhere we look there are sigils or the signs of cubes and the Sine wave, or the rings of Saturn, that much is clear and can be seen in all, or most of the corporate logos.
      It seems the more I research the more it is starting to look like this may be the case, why else would we choose to live in a hellish place that is run by psychopathic elite?

      Thank you again for taking the time and energy to respond to my questions, you are greatly appreciated!



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