Tuesday, 9 September 2014

James Horak, Crystal Clark & Mhairead MacDonald on Hundredth Monkey Radio with Tom & Ramon | 06 Sep 2014

Join Tom and Ramon every Saturday @ 5pm EST

Some of the topics discussed:

Fukushima, China Syndrome, Yellowstone, Dying Pacific & West Coast, Amazon, Cities in the Sea, WW3, God Particle, Spirituality & Moral Outrage, Kennedy's Speeches, Free Choice, Hunger, Depopulation, Chemtrails, Suiciding, Vinnie Eastwood, Psychotronics, Wizard of Oz, Gradualism, Gaza, Hamas, ISIS, Tora & Talmud, Conversion to Judaism for Banking, USS Liberty, EMVs & ETs stabilising Operations, St. Monica UFO base, new Comet Pitbull, CME knock out of MILSATs, Hale Bopp, the Lucifer Telescope...

The Original show is hosted here

Courtesy for publication permission: Tom Kappenman - Hundredth Monkey Radio

Crystal Clark's website: Drowning in Absurdity

Mhairead MacDonald’s website: Selkiedreams

Audio editing & title-artwork: Shuny aka OmetaOne


  1. Mr. Horak, the humans who split from us long ago generally spend their days doing what? Humans here work or scheme to survive. But when this distraction is removed what do similar people actually do with their time?

  2. I am under mutual constraints to respect those elsewhere by allowing them to tell their own stories.
    Yet I will say, the breadth of pursuits and chances to be productive that are unknown here by the individual, rather than the group/corporation, abound in most off-earth cultures. JCH REVOLT

  3. James, Crystal, Mhairead: A great presentation....pointed, direct, unadulterated. I could sense the passion in your voices. It strengthened my resolve, as do all your offerings. Speaking the truth into existence...I sent it to as many ears as possible. They can't un-hear it, now can't they?

  4. Another insightful presentation. Always appreciate all of your efforts. Unfortunately time seems to be running out and no one I know is willing to listen or entertain your calls to action. I can barely get someone to hear a few high points I'll bring up. People in my area just seem to shut down when very uncomfortable information gets brought up. I would love to see the world shocked awake by revelations of what's been and being done to them. But I suspect even if all the truths of the world were laid bare at our feet, people are so deeply ingrained with their "consensus reality" that the truth would be rejected. Sad indeed, but for most people, their long held comfort zones will not be taken away until it's pried from their cold dead hands.

    Why do ETs always seem to approach world leaders with the plans to help us? When the leaders don't want things to change. Change needs to happen from the bottom up, not the top down. Bring the 99% of the world into the discussion with what's at stake. Maybe then we'd get somewhere.

  5. Yes, for most Americans at least, going two days without food may have to be the big turn around.
    As far as ET approaching people, when it has not been leaders, those people have been persecuted and harmed sometimes in unspeakable ways. I personally know of a few. Eventually they are stripped of memory or turned into delusionals. Evidence is there, regardless, for people to find if they're really seeking the truth. If they are not, then it's back to "trauma therapy", isn't it? Sadly. JCH

    1. These people that are persecuted and harmed, how is it known that ET has visited them? Totally of topic but I had another question; have you heard of the school of ageless wisdom or the arcane school? They repeatedly mention their spiritual hierarchy, wisdom that's been handed down to them from previous adepts, and their plans for a NWO. It occurred to me that this could potentially be the same type of group of people who wanted a caste system that you've discussed in previous interviews.

  6. People so "experiencing" are noticed by someone whose life they have touched, observers who have seen nearby ET craft and report to those in the employ of certain agencies that will now take steps to canvas with various surveillance apparatus communications coming forth from the area. When these experiencers relate anything about their experience or report to nearby bases and police about them, they are now put into a system.
    You must discern between true adepts and lackeys for the elite. The elitist traditions may begin with the warring stage civilization enters by erecting leaders that benefit from a practice of primogeniture. But that instead of being put aside when nations begin to civilize, develops into an elitist caste that veers off from evolutionary paths to those of taking more and more privilege and wealth than can ever satisfy the greed that transforms more and more into a lust of power until it approaches the aim of manifesting that of power of life and death over others. All, so it seems the province of being able to control the split consciousness through its propensity for ambivalence. Technology is developed at one point or another to opportunize this "cross-sentience" in ways of mind-controlled directives. The rest may vary in pattern but the outcome is always the same, death. Death of everything touched by this colossal aberrancy.
    It would seem some contagion must carry this disease from one lineage to the next, surviving even each of the six extinctions, but not necessarily. It could be in some form of a collective consciousness carried over from the past, something that could be treated if understood and that may well be for what the Halls of Records were devised and why each one is removed from the sight of the people as quickly as it is found. JCH

    1. Thank you for the in depth response and your hard work thus far. You bring up a lot points I'd never considered, especially the influence the collective consciousness may have.

  7. Hi James. I really liked Tom's comment above about bringing the 99% of the rest of the world into the discussion with ETs. I know they can't interfere, and can only advise us on what path we should take, but it's obvious only approaching world leaders is a failed strategy, and approaching selected individuals in the regular population also fails due to the punishment they receive at the hands of government agencies. So why doesn't ET just announce themselves to the whole world? Again they won't be interfering directly. Just say hello, tell us about themselves, explain what the extended community is, tell us what we can do to eventually join, and just be open and clear to the population about what our world leaders have been doing to us and the planet, then tell us the rest is up to us and wish us well. There'd be no harm in that. MIBs couldn't swarm down on the entire population of the planet for having received the message from ET, and it could trigger a mass awakening and renewed hope. It sounds like ET is open to talking to the public since you have said they've reached out to individuals before. Well this time it would just be reaching out to us on a bigger scale.

  8. With the hostile alien thesis played to in movies and elsewhere and sold by so much of even the alternative media like Kerry Cassidy's obsession, your elite could very easily work this into an invasion. ETs can't just appear and you should know this already. You haven't the kind of world where that would be read any differently. A world already tossing around concerns over another world war. ET has no reason to respect you have in the least any cultural or collective sanity. JCH

  9. You say they have no reason to respect us and our collective insanity, then if that's the case why even approach world leaders at all like they have? I mean no disrespect, but that contradicts itself. World leaders are the most insane and collectively insane, but were approached by ET. So something isn't right there. In a way it can't be blamed that a population is a bit wary about ETs, because they seem to operate secretly and openly approach the most insane drunk with power top percent of the population. I respect that the ETs are far more advanced than us, I admire something that is greater than ourselves, but with all that advancement they have, their dealings and approach towards this planet seems greatly flawed.

    1. Don't ask me questions if you're going to argue with the answers. You presume vastly too much and you're unresponsive in replies besides. Obviously you cannot appreciate or either won't appreciate intricacy. Go away. JCH

    2. I am not arguing with you at all. I'm just having a healthy discussion with you about an interesting topic. I've seen you do this before, someone disagrees with you and you are the one that displays hostility and tells the person to go away. Are people not allowed to disagree with you? I showed no hostility at all. I just tried to show a different perspective and you get upset. I've admired you for some time, but now you're starting to show the same symptoms that other "insiders" display when someone disagrees with them. Now I am starting to wonder if maybe I had the wrong idea about you, and that makes me sad.

  10. “From now on I'm thinking only of me."

    Major Danby replied indulgently with a superior smile: "But, Yossarian, suppose everyone felt that way."

    "Then," said Yossarian, "I'd certainly be a damned fool to feel any other way, wouldn't I?”

  11. Catch 22. You might also enjoy the anti-war novel of WWI, The Good Soldier Schweick, by Jaroslav Hasek. JCH

  12. Obviously saving lives is important but when I say you can't save people from themselves, what do people suppose I mean?!! It's not about you being pulled out of a fire you started so you can start another somewhere else and this time come even closer to disturbing your neighbors. IT'S ABOUT YOU SHOWING YOU CAN GROW BEYOND REPEATING THIS MESS BY NOW...THE SEVENTH TRY!!! ALL THIS INFERNAL WHINING OVER YOUR OWN MISTAKES. PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY, FOLKS,. PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY.
    I own up to my own and it's time for you to do likewise. JCH

    1. Actually I gotta agree with the person who posted above. He/she never got combative or hostile with you. He/she addressed everything you said and responded in kind with different view points. I never saw the person take the responsibility off mankind, in fact placed it still squarely on us. It was the ET strategy that was being discussed, even pointed out a contradiction in your posts. Which is ok, we are all flawed, but you were the one who got upset and got combative James. You always say you are open to discussion, but that seemed very closed and dismissive to me. I am a new listener and now feel turned off by what I just saw, and will seek my answers for knowledge elsewhere. Good day sir.

  13. I share in James' frustration that people are not only too lazy to go through YEARS of material already available with which they can develop a finer appreciation for our predicament, but would rather argue about "ET" rather than SAVE THEIR OWN RACE FROM EXTINCTION. How people can feel comfortable, justified even, making demands of peoples (from elsewhere) who have done more to save this planet than the people actually living here, is it's own testament as to why there is currently no point in further contact. To tell you what? The same thing James and I have been saying for years: if you don't clean up your own mess, you have doomed an entire planetary civilization to extinction? Individual inability to fully understand the complexities James has literally spent *years* working to share and clarify, is not the fault of James. The material is freely available and we have lives of our own--the days of hand-holding are over.

  14. I would also add, just to clarify our sentiments in this regard, that if the people on this planet genuinely understood our predicament and their own involvement in either helping to create it or allowing it to continue, rather than whining or demanding that ET show up and be present, they would demand that their FELLOW MAN show up and be present. It is, after all, our planet and our mess.

  15. All you're doing is just spinning the topic in circles to sound righteous and judging. In my discussion with James above, nowhere did I take any of the blame or fault off of mankind. We are jokes in my honest opinion, we've really messed up this planet and yes we have to fix it before it's too late. I completely on board with that. My perspective was the contradiction in his statement, that ET does not respect us and our collective insanity, so they don't approach us (which I don't blame them at all for, we're nuts). But the fact that he's stated they have approached world leaders more than once to try and advise them on a different course of action. Those world leaders are currently the most insane of us all, so isn't a contradiction to say they won't approach us due to our insanity, yet to also say they've approached world leaders who are the most insane of the whole planet? If ET wanted to advise, try advising the rest of the planet, give it a shot. They've let this experiment go on 6 times already, why not just take a new approach? They're already open to talking to the public, if they weren't they wouldn't have made contact with regular people already. Revealing themselves to us the way they did to world leaders doesn't take the responsibility off of us at all. We still have to change and clean up our own mess. That's what I was trying to point out to James, along where he contradicted himself. I think James is great, and he says we should owe up to ourselves just as he would, well he should owe up now. Here's that moment. I'd like to continue further discussions with James, but not get treated like trash just because we disagree on something. From what I have gathered in these interviews Crystal, you and he are good friends. To me the staple of true friendship is being able to call out a friend when they are wrong, instead of always agreeing with 100% of everything they say. If a friend can owe up to calling me out on my own mistakes here and there, I'd trust them more than a friend who feels the need to agree with me on every thing I do or say.

    1. If you and "Tucker" cannot understand (or won't) my frustration with these empty arguments of yours that continue to be unresponsive to points both Crystal and I make...and then this dispersion you insinuate on her...it can only be because you, anon, are either morally sick or mentally sick or stupid. Perhaps all three. Tucker admits he's new here yet ventures to throw out his opinion again as, at best a gut reaction. Both of you are fine examples of what has most led to the the nearing demise of this planet, stirred confusion and moral cowardice. Both of you are impotent to cause and clarity and neither have the decency for self-examination. So quick and obsessed are you with your own mouthiness. I had rather try and teach a dog to speak than rely on your character and perception for penetration. My colleagues and I have been tireless in our efforts to reach those who can make a difference, not those like you. Yet you persist to throw out your poorly disguised bile after you've been asked to leave. Leave. JCH

  16. Shallow treatment of the issues previously raised, refusal to deal with reality, and a tantrum in the form of a personal attack only further prove my point. I was once told by an elitist, “people are a bunch of goddamned sheep. They have to be told when to eat, and they have to be told when to stop. They have to be taken back out to pasture every day because they are too caught up in their immediate needs and wants to remember where it was from the day before.”

    You must surely know this is their opinion of you, yet would rather reaffirm it rather than prove them wrong. We have every right to expect the adults on this planet to behave like adults, and we treat them that way. This includes refusal to treat them like sheep and lead them to the pasture every day when they are perfectly capable of getting there themselves. When you get hungry enough, unfortunately perhaps quite literally, you’ll find it.

    In our last Race With Time Radio Show (Episode #11), I explained why it would be the last show, and specifically stated, “I’m not going to hold your hands anymore”---not because ‘I’m friends with James’---but because I meant it. It’s time for the earth babies to grow up---a phrase found in my first book, released 5 years ago, long before I met James. (Y)our planet is in the throes of death, yet here you still sit hoping to convince us your confusion is justified. (?) These are deep waters to swim in, but all the big kids are doing it—it can be done.

  17. It's pretty obvious that the newbies haven't read or listened to enough of the material on this site. It appears that they just jumped to comclusions and are demanding answers with hurt feelings. There are many, many hours of material to go through to understand the intricacies. We shouldn't waste James' time because we want a short cut.


  18. Thank you, Clare, yes I have little patience with empty harangue and those that make such little effort to investigate before they feel obliged to comment. Neither Crystal nor I look for agreement; we look for penetration and common ground. Short cuts to either or not to be had...just as easy solutions to saving the earth and its magnificent people don't either. JCH

    1. Your welcome. You know, the best defense is an offense. They got caught and let that be a lesson to all of us.


  19. (wow...what did I miss)
    Attention Newbies: I would respectfully argue my humble opinion that it takes literally hours a day for years, investigative plowing through miles of videos and repeated reading of thousands of documents and articles, with countless periods of reflection and assimilation in between, to even reach a level of (shall we say) "qualification" for the parameters of discussion of a forum such this. I wish you all well in your searching. But don't think for a minute that "my job" or "my kids" or "I'll do it right after the game" will suffice anymore. I would further recommend that you all re-define the nature of your association with this our earthly existence and "keep your own egos in check".

  20. Perhaps what no one wants to say is that the extended community sees us much like we see wild cats or dogs. How could you convince a wild dog not to dash across a busy street? You can feel sympathy, kindness and concern for the dog, but can you reason with it? Why would you? If one day the dog knocked on your door and asked for help, well...

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